System Crew Co., Ltd. |
【Privacy Policy】
System Crew Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “we”) attach much importance to the protection of personal information and establish our privacy policy as follows. We will make this privacy policy known to every our executive, fulltime worker, contract worker, temporary staff and every other our employee. We announce that we will carry out it and maintain it always.
1. | We will obtain, use and provide personal information within the scope necessary for fair accomplishment of our business, employment and human resource management. |
2. | Taking appropriate measures to protect and recover personal information from unauthorized access, leakage, destruction, manipulation, loss and so forth, we will improve our internal security system continuously. |
3. | We will observe the applicable laws and regulations, and other social standards of personal information. |
4. | To handle personal information appropriately, we will improve the consciousness of our executives and employees and educate them continuously. |
5. | To handle personal information appropriately, we will constitute and maintain an internal management system for protecting personal information and improve it regularly. |
Personal Information Manager Established on March 3, 2004 Updated on July 1, 2007 |
【Handling of Personal Information】
System Crew Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “we”) will endeavor to protect personal information and provide customers continuously improved trust and security.
We will observe the applicable laws and regulations of personal information and handle personal information appropriately.
【1. Obtaining Personal Information】
We will obtain personal information appropriately not by dishonest or other unjust means.
【2. Use within Specific Purposes】
We will use personal information only within the scope necessary for the achievement of the following purposes of use.
We will obtain the consent of the individual in advance when asking the personal information out of the following purposes of use.
(1) To use personal information on software and system development or other development.
(2) To replay and send material to the customers who are inquiring us or asking estimates.
(3) To use personal information on our seminars or our products and services.
(4) To use personal information about the applicants to us.
【3. Security Control Measures】
We will take necessary and appropriate security control measures to protect the entrusted personal information from leakage, loss or destruction and so forth.
【4. Supervision of Subcontractors】
We may subcontract all or part of the processing of entrusted personal information to a third party. In that case we will examine strictly and exercise necessary and adequate supervision to such third party to protect the entrusted personal information.
【5. Providing to Third Parties】
Without the consent of the individual we will not provide the entrusted personal information to any third party, except for cases permitted under the related laws or regulations such as Personal Information Protection Act.
【6. Disclosing and Correcting Personal Information】
When an individual requests us to disclose his/her own personal information we will disclose it rapidly. In that case we will never disclose it without identification.
When an individual requests us to correct, add or delete his/her own personal information in the case of any error in it, we will check it and rapidly meet the request. In that case we will never meet the request without identification.
If you have such request, or any other inquiry or question about our Privacy Policy and this Handling of Personal Information, please contact us at the following department’s email address, telephone number or fax number.
General Affairs Department of System Crew Co., Ltd.
telephone: +81-45-411-5055
【7. Continuous Improvement of Internal System】
We constitute Information Security Committee and will keep appropriate security control and make continuous improvement of the processing of entrusted personal information.
【8. Revision】
We may revise this Handling of Personal Information. The revision is valid at and after the point we place that revised Handling of Personal Information on this web site, except for the case that we have other rules on that revision.